Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


Submitted by Donna Mayer

Jacob Elmore was my great-grandfather. Some of the Elmore's in that family spelled their last name with two "l's," but Jacob spelled his last name with one "l" on legal papers.

Jacob Elmore was born in Green County, Ky. in 1828; the son of Peter Clay and Elizabeth Victor Elmore. He married Sarah Ann Hill in 1858.

History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Mason City Township
Page 788

J. V. ELLMORE, farmer and stock-buyer; P. 0. Mason City; one of the early settlers of Mason Co.; born in Green Co., Ky., Dec. 19, 1828; he emigrated to Illinois and located in Mason Co. in 1855, at which time there was no house nearer than Salt Creek; no house where Mason City now stands. In 1867, he purchased 55 acres of his present place, and now owns 202 acres with good farm buildings, which he has accumulated by his own exertions. Upon the 18th of February, 1858, he was united in marriage with Sarah A. Hill, a native of Manchester, Scott Co., Ill. Ten children were the fruit of this union, of whom eight now survive—Henry C., Charles N., Lillie B., Hattie C., Nellie M., Fannie M., Eddie M. and an infant.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer